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[대전/세종/충청] Head of Credit, Structuring & Servicing

  • Date 2007-11-26
  • Views 112
  • Writer Sid Kusuma
  • E-mail sid.kusuma@smf-indonesia.co.id
Dear Sir, First, please allow me to introduce myself, the company I work for and the purpose of this letter. My name is Sid Kusuma, Head of Credit, Structuring and Servicing of PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) or in short PT SMF. PT SMF is a secondary mortgage corporation 100% owned by the government of Indonesia. Its main purpose is to promote and develop secondary mortgage market to ensure sustainable long-term fund for the housing sector. The purpose of this letter is to explore possibility to arrange a visit to KHFC by an Indonesian delegation. The delegation will probably consist of senior government officials from Directorate of Taxation, Ministry of Housing, Bapepam and senior management of PT SMF. I really appreciate if we would have an initial conversation sometime soon. Sid Kusuma Head of Credit, Structuring & Servicing PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) sid.kusuma@smf-indonesia.co.id (P) 6221 5267331 (F) 6221 5267287


  • Date 2007-11-28
Dear Sir. First, we deeply appreciate for your interest in Korea Housiing Finance Corporation. Your e-mial was handed over to Research Department in KHFC, and our staff will be in contact with you in a short while. If our contact would be late or you have any question, please let us know lmmediately. With Kind Regards