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  • Date 2011-07-02
  • Views 162
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  • E-mail kennyamaihian@hotmail.com
This is to introduced to you our firm of management . Business development consultancy , based in Dublin Republic of ireland. We have just been contacted by our partners in Nigeria and Niger , Chad republic for opportunities for overseas developers /investors to come to the country for housinh development as partners/joinventures with availability of Lands with good incentives , but funding is the problems , that is why we are contacting you if your company will be interested to invest in the housing developments in Africa. Please send us your terms/conditions for your company to participate in any of the overseas projects. We look forward for your favourable response . Best regards. kenny K Amaihian PRESIDENT/CEO KENSON &ASSOCIATES 10 FOXBOROUGH GROVE LUCAN CO DUBLIN REPUBLIC OF IRELAND TEL 00353877704553. MEMBER COMMONWEALTH PARTNERSHIP AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT LONDON UNITED KINGDOM.


  • Date 2012-01-11

Thank you for taking interest in Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC).

KHFC is a public corporation that provides housing financial services. KHFC does not make foreign investment and partnership.

Please contact us when you have any issue pertaining to housing finance.

Thank you.