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[대전/세종/충청] Information Request

  • Date 2010-06-17
  • Views 105
  • Writer Malte Klingenhaeger
  • E-mail Klingenhaeger@macondo-group.co
Dear Sir or Madam, to introduce myself: my name is Malte Klingenhaeger from the macondo group. We are the publishing house of the UN Global Compact International Yearbook (www.globalcompactyearbook.com) among others. To inform your company about actual and relevant issues concerning the Global Compact Yearbook and other CSR aspects we need your support: Can you tell me who is in charge for the UN Global Compact in your house? You may also forward this e-mail to the mentioned person to contact us directly. Kind regards Malte Klingenhaeger


  • Date 2010-10-22
Dear Mr. Malte Klingenhaeger, Thank you for taking interest in Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC). Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) gained membership to the UNGC on October 2, 2008 and submitted its first COP (Communication On Progress) this year. KHFC's officers in charge of UNGC affairs are Deputy General Manager Dae-geun Lim (e-mail: dglim@khfc.co.kr) and Assistant Manager Jong-kyu Park (e-mail: jkpark98@khfc.co.kr). Please contact them for any information or inquiries.