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[대전/세종/충청] Senior Analyst

  • Date 2005-11-14
  • Views 159
  • Writer Brian Hunsaker
  • E-mail brian.hunsaker@fpk.com
Hello, I am an analyst at Foxx-Pitt, Kelton. We do investment research on banking industries throughout Asia. I will be in Seoul on 25 Nov and am interested in meeting someone from the KHFC. I am interested in discussing KHFC's operations and the mortgage market in Korea. Would someone be able to meet me in the afternoon of the 25th? Thanks and regards, Brian Hunsaker


  • Date 2005-11-23
You'll make contact with Seok-hee Yuh Chief Manager in Research Department (yuhseokhee@khfc.co.kr : 82-2-2014-8542) or Seok Kim Chief Manager in Securitization Development (ks@khfc.co.kr : 82-2-2014-8272). Thank you.