
News Releases

Supply of E-mortgage Loans Resumed

  • Date 2007-02-02
  • Views 3,099

Supply of E-mortgage Loans Resumed

 In order to resume the supply of e-mortgage loans, KHFC entered into IT development and business agreements with Hana Bank and Samsung Life. Accordingly, it began to accept loan applications for e-mortgage loans once again from December 28, 2006.


 As  before, the e-mortgage loans, which resumed after their supply was suspended in October 2006, carry interest rates 0.3%p lower than the regular bogeumjari loans offered via off-line branches.


 The interest rate on e-mortgage loans, which are fixed rates, range between 5.65% (lowest rate) and 5.85% (base rate) in the case of a 10-year maturity loan, which is lower than the interest rates of commercial bank housing finance loans, which are subject to change every three months.


 With the supply of e-mortgage loans resumed, related loan inquiries reached over KRW 100 billion on the first day alone. These translated into KHFC's receipt of loan applications to a value of some KRW 30 billion, heralding a smooth "new start".