
News Releases

KHFC Issues KHFC MBS 2004-5

  • Date 2004-12-07
  • Views 9,933
- Issue amount: 360 billion won, weighted average coupon rate: 4.20% On October 28th, KHFC issued KHFC MBS 2004-5 using mortgages originated by 11 participating lenders including Kook-min Bank as underlying assets. The weighted average coupon rate is 4.20% (spread of 61 bp against five-year KTB). Six senior tranches with maturities ranging from three to 20 years, and one junior tranche. The coupon rates for tranches with maturities of three, five, 10, and 20 years are 3.60%, 3.82%, 4.27%, and 4.50%, respectively. In preparation for possible prepayment, a call option is attached to tranches with maturities of five years or more. The underlying assets for the MBS are mortgages originated by 11 participating lenders (Kookmin Bank, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Shinhan Bank, Korea Exchange Bank, Woori Bank, Korea First Bank, Chohung Bank, Hana Bank, Korea Life Insurance, Samsung Life Insurance, and Samsung Fire Insurance). KHFC will hold a ceremony for the MBS issuance in the Cosmos Hall at the 63 Building on October 28th.