
News Releases

Student Loans for the Second Semester of this Year Offered

  • Date 2006-06-19
  • Views 5,501

Student Loans for the Second Semester of this Year Offered


 The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MOE & HRD) and KHFC announced that student loan applications for the second semester of this year will be received at the government student loan website (www.studentloan.go.kr) from June 19 through July 7.

 The student loan program has been significantly improved since the beginning of the second semester. New graduate school students, transferees, and re-admitted students will be classified as new students entering schools and will not be subject to screenings on academic credits and grades. The loan origination period has been extended so that once students are granted loans, they may receive the funds during the additional registration period. In addition, partial loans of at least 500,000 won may be offered. In the second semester of this year, student loans are planned for about 250,000 students, though a greater number of students may receive loans if they meet the qualifications.