
News Releases

KHFC Offers KRW 85.5 Billion in Bogeumjari Loans in June

  • Date 2006-07-24
  • Views 4,287

 KHFC Offers KRW 85.5 Billion in Bogeumjari Loans in June


 KHFC provided KRW 85.5 billion (1,243 loans) in bogeumjari loans in June, an increase of 16.8% from KRW 73.2 billion (1,078 loans) in May. Despite of the 0.3%p reduction in the interest on bogeumjari since June 12, the issuance in June showed a modest recovery because the housing market was slow and banks cut back on house-backed lending.  KHFC anticipates a further rise in bogeumjari issuance in the immediate future as the housing market will benefit from increased house-moving during the summer vacation period and the interest rate on e-mortgage loans will remain competitive in interest.