
News Releases

KHFC Steps Up Support to those Cut Off from Financial Support when Times are Hard

  • Date 2008-07-21
  • Views 1,341

KHFC Steps Up Support to those Cut Off from Financial Support

when Times are Hard

Joo-jae Lim held an inauguration ceremony on July 21 and officially began his work as the new CEO of KHFC.

In his inauguration message, CEO Lim expressed his plan to increase housing finance support to low-income households by saying, "When the economic situation is more difficult, we need to step up support to those with no access to financial services and low-income citizens."

As for specific business areas of KHFC, including securitization, CEO Lim said, "We need to increase efforts to provide adequate liquidity to financial market through the securitization of housing-finance loans extended by financial institutions themselves and the overseas issuance of MBS." He went on to say, "In the case of JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK), which just celebrated its first anniversary, it needs to further solidify its business base to fulfill its mission as a social safety net to stabilize the housing and livelihood of low-income and disadvantaged households.

Proposing "practical and creative management" as KHFC's internal management policy, CEO Lim said, "We need to build an 'effective working' organization through friendly rivalry and equitable performance-based compensation systems." He stressed that business efficiency and organizational competitiveness needed to be raised in KHFC by instilling a sense of competition and efficiency as public organizations tend to become rigid and inflexible.