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HF and Dong-A Univ. Present Joint Research Findings

  • Date 2021-05-13
  • Views 312

HF and Dong-A Univ. Present Joint Research Findings

- The industry-academia cooperation is expected to bring synergy to financial market research

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) announced on the 13th that Korea Housing Finance Research Institute presented the findings of its research on the housing and housing finance markets. The research was part of HF’s industry-academic collaboration with the Global Finance Research Institute of Dong-A University (President Lee Hae-Woo). <See the image below.>


Held under the title “Growth of Korea’s REITs* Market and the Role of Guarantee Providers”, the presentation covers the following four research papers: ▲ Analysis of the effectiveness of policies to support cash-strapped elderly homeowners; ▲ Study on the estimated operational efficiency of global listed REITs and the effectiveness of relevant regulations; ▲ Assessment of MBS** using the Fama-French three-factor model; and ▲ Analysis of the hedging effectiveness of Korea treasury bond (KTB) futures (feasibility of 10-year KTB futures as a hedging option).  

* Real estate investment trusts (REITs): A business entity or investment trust that pools the funds of numerous investors, invests in real estate properties or real estate-related funds and equities, and distributes the revenues generated from these assets to the investors 

** Mortgage-backed securities: An investment security backed by a pool of home loans that HF purchases from the issuing banks 

An HF official said, “This presentation was made to celebrate the findings of the joint research conducted by our two research institutions under last September’s MOU on Joint Research. We will continue our combined efforts in the form of joint seminars, academic knowledge- and information-sharing, and other various activities and leverage this collaborative intelligence towards improving our current financial products and developing new products.”