
News Releases

KHFC welcomes young interns as regular employees

  • Date 2010-01-04
  • Views 1,685

- Corporation’s proactive answer to youth unemployment - All 20 young interns to be hired by KHFC -


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC, CEO Joo-jae Lim) announced on January 4, 2010 that all 20 young people recruited as interns last April would be hired as full-time regular employees. The corporation had originally planned to hire only 12 to 16 new hires based on interns’ performance once their internship contract expired; however, as in keeping with the government policy on youth unemployment and job-shares, it decided to hire all of them.


Though young intern programs have been questioned as they often result in short-term job creation, KHFC’s employment of all its interns is the first such initiative in both the private and public sector combined. Though hiring new employees has become more difficult due to the government’s policy to reduce personnel, the decision came based on the interns’ excellent work performance and their completion of the entire internship period since April last year.


“Last year, young interns were selected through the same process as regular hires, which included screening of application packages, written exams, and interviews. Also, their competence and aptitude have been fully verified during the eight months of internship,” said a manager in charge of HR at KHFC. “Since all of them have had enough practical on-the-job experience, they will be assigned without a probation period.”