
News Releases

KHFC to offer quick loan status check service on its official site

  • Date 2009-10-06
  • Views 2,091

- Bogeumjari Loan Management Computerized System to launch operations


Bogeumjari borrowers who default on their loan payments may quickly and conveniently check the details of their arrears status through the KHFC official site.


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC, CEO Joo-jae Lim) built the Bogeumjari Loan Management Computerized System for an integrated management of underlying assets, and beginning October 6, 2009, launched an easy loan status check service on its official site (www.khfc.co.kr).


Loan borrowers can click the ‘Check the default status of your loan’ button for real-time information on outstanding loans, payment history, and contact details of their loan officer at KHFC. 


“By offering a variety of convenient functions through the computerized system, we want to effectively manage Bogeumjari loans by encouraging long-term defaulting borrowers to pay and thereby, ensure debt collection,” said a KHFC official.