
News Releases

HF offers college mentors for children in Busan

  • Date 2022-05-17
  • Views 279

HF offers college mentors for children in Busan 

-  1:1 mentoring between Busan National University of Education students and elementary school students to support their academic and career planning 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) announced on May 17, 2022, that it signed the ‘HF Grow Your Dream Mentoring Agreement’ with Busan Child Center (Director Noh Hee Hyeon) of Green Umbrella Child Fund Korea to nurture local talents in Busan <see image below>.

HF Grow Your Dream Mentoring is a mentoring program offered by HF in collaboration with Green Umbrella Child Fund Korea. The program matches 22 elementary school students enrolled in local childcare centers with 22 students of Busan National University of Education. These college mentors will offer one-on-one mentoring and advice to local children. 

The mentoring program, which will be held twice a week over the next five months, will consist of school subject tutoring, reading skill development, and career planning sessions. This program is expected to help the college mentors build their capacity as pre-service teachers and the child mentees improve their academic skills, laying the foundation for local talent cultivation. 

An HF officer said, “HF Grow Your Dream Mentoring, which celebrates its 2nd anniversary this year, will help young students grow bigger dreams as the future leaders of our local community. HF will continue our multi-faceted efforts to cultivate local leaders and further develop our local communities.” 

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On the 17th, HF signed the ‘HF Grow Your Dream Mentoring Agreement’ with Green Umbrella Child Fund Korea to nurture local talents in Busan. HF Director Park Jae Min (left) and Director Noh Hee Hyeon (right) of Busan Child Center of Green Umbrella Child Fund Korea posed for a photo at Green Umbrella Child Fund Korea’s Headquarters in Jin-gu, Busan, after signing the agreement.