
News Releases

HF promotes reverse mortgage with local banks

  • Date 2022-05-24
  • Views 331

HF promotes reverse mortgage with local banks  

- Counselling and application available at the nearby DGB Daegu bank branches from June

 - Expects to enhance customer convenience in Daegu and Gyeongbuk region

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon Woo) announced on May 24 that it signed a MOU with DGB DaeguBank(CEO Lim Seong Hoon) in order to promote the Korean Home Pension, the HF reverse mortgage product for the stable livelihood of the elderly and retirees in the middle to senior ages. (Photo attached)


The MOU is to promote the home pension, thereby providing a focused-support for the livelihood of seniors in Daegu and Gyeongbuk region. Stated cooperation measures include; ▲ Opening of dedicated home pension counters at the bank branches, ▲ Operation of training program to foster Home Pension Counsellor and, ▲ Collaborated PR activities to promote the home pension, etc. 

□ Based on the MOU, the bank branches will set up and operate the home pension counters with assigned professional home pension counsellors. In addition, HF and the bank will jointly promote the home pension with local-oriented activities.

 □ HF CEO Choi commented,  “We made improvement on the home pension product by adopting trust-type pension and diverse payment options. With the MOU, now customers can visit nearby DGB Daegu branches for home pension counselling and subscription.” He added, “ HF will put various efforts to make the home pension more accessible and convenient for the senior citizens. “

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On May 24, Korea Housing Finance Corporation signed a MOU with DGB DaeguBank at the headquarters of DGB Daegu Bank, located in Sooseong-gu, Dageu, in order to promote the Korean Home Pension for the stable livelihood of the elderly and retirees in the middle to senior ages. HF CEO Choi Joon Woo(on the right) and DGB DaeguBank CEO Lim Seong Hoon (on the left) are taking a photo after signing the MOU.