
News Releases

HF receives credit rating from Fitch

  • Date 2011-08-19
  • Views 823


"HF receives credit rating from Fitch"


- HF receives the same level of credit rating as the nation from the big three credit rating agencies –


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kyung-ho Kim) announced on August 19 that it received the same level of credit rating as the government from the international credit rating agency Fitch Ratings Ltd.


Fitch granted HF "A+(stable)" foreign currency long-term rating and "F1" foreign currency short-term rating. These ratings are the same level as the ratings granted to the Korean government. "We comprehensively considered the status of HF as a quasi-government agency and reflected the expectation of the government's timely support in emergency," explained Fitch.


A HF official said, "HF received the same level of credit ratings as the nation from the world's big three credit rating agencies Fitch, Moody’s and S&P which recognized the importance of HF as a unique agency that implements housing finance policies."


“We expect the enhancement of HF’s recognition in the international financial market and the expansion of investment base through this rating,” said the official. “This will also have a positive effect on playing a role as a long-term and low-interest rate funding window for financial institutions.”