
News Releases

HF to Provide Over KRW 50 Trillion Annually in Housing Loans for Ordinary People

  • Date 2012-01-02
  • Views 894


HF to Provide Over KRW 50 Trillion Annually in Housing Loans for Ordinary People


- The New Year's address by President Seo Jong-dae, CEO of Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF)


President Seo Jong-dae, CEO of Korea Housing Finance Corporation, held a ceremony at the HF headquarters in Namdeamun-ro, Seoul, to mark the first business day of the year on January 2.


In his New Year's address President Seo said "This is a time for us to renew our commitment to serve the public and to become a world-leading public financial institution". He emphasized that in 2012, "we will put ourselves to the huge and meaningful task of 'providing over KRW 50 trillion annually in housing loans for ordinary people', with the aim of improving housing welfare, stimulating the housing market, and fostering the development of housing finance".


President Seo also expressed his desire to "create a workplace in which employees can 'work with joy and passion, and find their life's calling' by tackling and succeeding in challenging tasks". "Only when senior employees, executives and deputy branch managers take care of their junior staff, only when both sides show mutual respect and listen to each other's complaints can we expect to have lively communication within our walls", he added. "Only then can a youthful, flexible culture take root in our organization".