
News Releases

KHFC Begins the 2013 Homes of Caring Repair Project

  • Date 2013-05-09
  • Views 761


 KHFC Begins the 2013 Homes of Caring Repair Project


- “HF Homes of Caring” Agreement with Citizens for Decent Housing renewed for another year -

- To invest KRW 350 million and repair 140 houses within this year -


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) announced on May 9 that it had signed an agreement for the "HF Homes of Caring" project with Citizens for Decent Housing.


This is one of KHFC's major social contribution projects. It is intended to improve the housing situation for those experiencing financial difficulties such as senior citizens living alone, households headed by minors, and families with disabled members. The first such project was conducted last year, and this year's project will continue until December. During this period, all KHFC employees will take turns rendering volunteer home repair work to put up new wallpapers and renovate floors and heating facilities.


“Last year, KHFC joined the HF Homes of Caring project and was able to extend some help to those in need. This year, we will examine the situation carefully to offer greater help to those who need this kind of assistance most and make this program one of our most important social contribution activities,” said KHFC CEO Seo Jong-dae in the signing ceremony.


This project mainly targets low-income, underprivileged households such as senior citizens living alone and households headed by minors. Those who want the assistance need to apply for it over the KHFC website and explain in detail why they need it. KHFC will select about 20 households from among the applicants and another 120 households will be recommended by local governments and Citizens for Decent Housing. This year, KHFC plans to repair at least 140 homes, about 10 more homes than in 2012.