
News Releases

A Contest to make u-Bogeumjari Loan more convenient

  • Date 2012-05-03
  • Views 867


A Contest to make u-Bogeumjari Loan more convenient


- Communicate with Customers through the ‘u-Bogeumjari Loan Improvement Idea Contest" -


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC, CEO Seo Jong-dae) announced on May 3 that it will hold the "u-Bogeumjari Loan Improvement Idea Contest" at its website (www.hf.go.kr) from May 4 through June 8.


This event is intended to improve the convenience and response time of the "u-Bogeumjari Loan" system, which is completely web-based, by reflecting the diverse needs of its customers. Anyone interested in a u-Bogeumjari Loan may participate in the contest through the KHFC website.


Contestants suggesting the most effective ideas will be awarded cash prizes of KRW 500,000 for the first prize (1 person), KRW 300,000 for the second prize (2 persons), and KRW 100,000 for the third prize (2 persons). Also, ten contestants will be selected by lottery and awarded mobile gift certificates of KRW 50,000 each. The winners will be announced at the KHFC website and individually notified in July.