
News Releases

KHFC Celebrates the 3rd Issuance of International Covered Bonds

  • Date 2013-03-07
  • Views 817


“ KHFC Celebrates the 3rd Issuance of International Covered Bonds ”


Seo Jong-dae (KHFC CEO), John Dahl (Head of Asia, Securitization Markets, Citigroup), Carsten Stoehr (Global Head of Capital Markets, Standard Chartered) and Minoru Shinohara (Asia Regional CEO of Nomura Securities) attended the Third Covered Bond Issuance Ceremony held at the Mandarin Orient Hotel in Hong Kong at 11 am on March 7 (local time). KHFC issued USD 500 million in covered bonds with a 5.5-year maturity and priced at 1.625%.