
News Releases

KHFC’s yearend visit to the military

  • Date 2012-12-13
  • Views 1,095


KHFC’s yearend visit to the military


On December 13, members of the Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) paid a visit to the Capital Mechanized Infantry Division—also known as the Tiger Division—in Gapyeong County, Gyeonggi Province to show their support and present a monetary gift to soldiers there who remain steadfastly committed to national defense even in the cold winter.


After watching a video clip introducing the Division and what it does, they toured the barracks and took a look at military equipment used there to revisit the hard work and dedication of soldiers.


“We decided to visit the Unit as we wanted to extend our gratitude to Korean soldiers rendering devoted service to the nation even in the biting cold weather,” said KHFC President Seo Jongdae. “We at KHFC will continue to show our attention and support those who silently work hard to protect our society.”