
News Releases

HF spreads love by donating blood

  • Date 2013-10-17
  • Views 747


HF spreads love by donating blood


- HF officials take part in the second blood donation event of the year -


On October 17th, the Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Seo Jong-dae) announced that the “Blood Donation for Love” event was held as part of its efforts to practice warm-hearted sharing of life and promote a culture of blood donation across society. This was the second blood donation event organized by HF in 2013, following one in the first half of the year.


With the Korean Red Cross providing a mobile blood donation vehicle, over 40 HF officials participated in the event held at its head office in Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul.


“We at HF have voluntarily donated blood each year,” explained HF CEO Seo Jong-dae. “We hope our love and compassion will have a positive impact on our neighbors and community.”


Since 2006, HF has held “Blood Donation for Love” events as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. It will continue to pursue a wide range of CSR activities to promote a happy coexistence with our less fortunate neighbors and spread a culture of sharing across society.