
News Releases

KHFC Launches Smart Housing Finance App

  • Date 2013-07-01
  • Views 968


“ KHFC Launches Smart Housing Finance App ”



- Enhanced app enables users to apply for Bogeumjari loans, JTYK, jeonse loans, and loans for installment payments and to see whether or not applications were approved.


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) announced on July 1 that it will launch the smart housing finance app service in July and offer greatly enhanced functions.


KHFC's current smart phone app "Housing Finance Info" only enabled checking of the Bogeumjari loan limit and the estimated monthly pension of JTYK. However, the Smart Housing Finance app introduced in July will provide personalized services for each customer such as application for Bogeumjari loans, JTYK, jeonse loans, and loans for installment payments as well as checking whether or not applications were approved.


This app can be downloaded from the Google Play store (formerly Android market) or Apple's Appstore (iPhone users can download after verification by Apple). Then, users have easy access to real estate information such as the apartment market rates and tips on becoming homeowners. Users can also easily use social networking services such as KHFC blog, twitter or Facebook.


“The smart housing finance app enables customers to apply for a KHFC product and check its approval anytime, anywhere. We will continue to make efforts to provide more diverse services to our customers,” said an official at KHFC.