
News Releases

JTYK surpasses 30,000 subscribers

  • Date 2016-02-15
  • Views 580
- HF sees rapid growth in JTYK subscription -
□ JooTaekYeonKeum records 30,000 subscriptions.
 * JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK) is a state-guaranteed reverse mortgage loan in which senior citizens 60 years of age
   or older provide their owned home as collateral and receive living expenses for their post-retirement life in the
   form of monthly pension benefits either for the rest of their life or for a certain period of time.
□ Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) stated on February 15, 2016, that Lee Seon-Yeon
   (age 65) who lives in Geumjeong-gu, Busan, became its 30,000th subscriber <see the image below>.
   Mrs. Lee said in her interview with HF, “I have had anxiety so far because I felt like I was being a burden to my    children. Now, with this JTYK Loan, I can live a more relaxed and enjoyable life. I hope that JTYK will be able to    ease more seniors' financial pressure in the future.” Welcoming the 30,000th subscriber, HF gave her a cash       prize of KRW 1,000,000 as a token of appreciation.
□ In August 2012, nearly five years after its launch in July 2007, JTYK saw 10,000 subscriptions. It took an   
   additional 22 months for it to record 20,000 subscriptions (June 2014) and then 20 more months to reach its   
   30,000th subscriber (February 2016), showing that the rate of JTYK subscription has grown incrementally. In
   particular, JTYK subscription for this January stood at 717, an impressive 58.3% increase from a year earlier (453

□ IThe value of senior homes mortgaged for JTYK and the amount of JTYK monthly payments are found to
   average KRW 280.48 million and KRW 988,000, respectively.
   HF conducted a study on the JTYK reverse mortgage loans taken out from its launch to the end of this January.    The study found that the average age of JTYK subscribers is 72. By age group, ▲ those aged 70 to 74 make up    26.9% (8,012 subscriptions) of the total subscribers, followed by ▲ those aged 65 to 69 (21.3%, 6,365         
   subscriptions). The average value of the homes mortgaged stands at KRW 280.48 million. ▲ The main segment    of mortgaged homes is found to be those valued at KRW 100 million to 200 million. This group makes up   
   29.9% (8,907 subscriptions) of the total mortgaged homes, while ▲ homes valued at KRW 200 million to 300
   million account for 27.0% (8,063 subscriptions). At the same time, the amount of the average JTYK monthly
   payment is KRW 988,000, with ▲ 43.1% (12,848 subscriptions) of all JTYK monthly payments at KRW 500,000 to
   KRW 1 million and ▲ 20.9% (6,246 subscriptions) at KRW 1 million to KRW 1.5 million.

   An HF official said, “JTYK is a government-guaranteed financial tool designed for seniors to receive a lifetime   
   income stream while continuing to live in their home. As we have already received a tremendous number of
   inquiries from elderly people with the launch of our new ’Three NaeJibYeonKeum Loans,’ we are optimistic that
   JTYK will see continued growth in subscription.”

<Image Description>
   HF held a ceremony to celebrate its 30,000th JTYK subscriber at its headquarters in Munhyeongeumyung-ro,
   Busan on the 15th. HF CEO Kim Jae-Chun (left) posed for a photo with the 30,000th subscriber, Lee Seon-Yeon.
   Launched in July 2007, JTYK saw the number of its subscribers surpass 30,000.