
News Releases

HF Offers Homeownership and Rental Assistance for Low-to Middle-Income Households in Busan

  • Date 2014-12-17
  • Views 696
HF Offers Homeownership and Rental Assistance for Low-to Middle-Income Households in Busan 
- It provided scholarships for Busan students and vehicles for Busan seniors at its relocation ceremony at its new Busan headquarters -
- Its employees delivered coal briquettes and kimchi to low-income households in Busan -

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, President Kim Jae-Chun) offers homeownership and rental assistance
for low-to middle-income households in Busan.

HF announced on the 17th that it held a relocation ceremony at its new headquarters in the Busan International
Finance Center in Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Busan. The ceremony was attended by Busan Mayor Suh Byung-Soo,
officials from the Financial Services Commission and other government agencies, and  the heads of government
agencies located at the Center.
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HF used the ceremony to emphasize its assistance for the socially disadvantaged in Busan. Accordingly, it provided
10 million won worth of scholarships to 10 middle and high school students in Busan as well as donating two
vehicles to the Busan Seniors Welfare Center. In addition, 200 HF employees donated or delivered 150,000 coal
briquettes to some of the beneficiaries of the nation's Basic Livelihood Security program and low-income families
in Busan and provided kimchi to some 1,000 households through its kimchi-making charity event held for
low-income elderly residents living alone.

HF President Kim said, “We put the focus of this ceremony on reaching out our hand to the local community
through our social contribution activities. We will fulfill our social responsibility as a public agency through
various social contribution activities and job creation in the future.” He also added, “We believe that we can
contribute to the betterment of the nation and the local community through the continued growth and
development of HF after its relocation to Busan. We will strive to make Busan a financial hub.”

In the meantime, HF has completed its relocation to Busan as its 17 departments, including management
support departments such as the Planning and Coordination Department, Human Resources Department,
Finance Department, and Risk Management Department and business departments such as the Mortgage
Department, Housing Guarantees Department, and Reverse Mortgage (JooTaekYeonKeum) Department were
relocated to its new Busan headquarters last November.

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Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF) held its relocation ceremony on the 17th at its new headquarters in the
Busan International Finance Center in Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Busan, Korea. At the ceremony, HF President Kim
Jae-Chun (fifth from the left) cut the ribbon with Busan Mayor Suh Byung-Soo (fourth from the left), Secretary
General Koh Seung-Beom of the Financial Services Commission (sixth from the left), and other participants.