
News Releases

Buying your dream home becomes easier with the simplified application for u-Bogeumjari Loan

  • Date 2014-06-20
  • Views 961

“Buying your dream home becomes easier with the simplified application for u-Bogeumjari Loan”

The application procedures for the u-Bogeumjari and Didimdol loans have been simplified to ensure greater customer convenience


Applications for Korea Housing Finance Corporation’s (HF) long-term fixed-rate mortgage loans—the u-Bogeumjari Loan* and the Didimdol Loan for Homebuyers**—are now easier than ever.

* The u-Bogeumjari Loan is a fixed-rate instrument with a maturity of 10-30 years. Loan applications can be made on HF’s official website and through its mobile application; the interest rate stands at an annual 4.05-4.3% as of June 2014.
** The Didimdol Loan for Homebuyers is the National Housing Fund’s new integrated policy mortgage product. It is available in two options: (a) a fixed-rate loan with the maturity of 10-30 years; and (b) a variable-rate loan whose interest rate changes every five years. Applications can be made on HF’s official website and through its mobile application; an annual interest rate of 2.8-3.6% applies as of June 2014.


Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF) announced that, starting from the 20th, applications for the u-Bogeumjari Loan and the Didimdol Loan for Homebuyers will become faster and easier as the application steps for these loans will be reduced (from six to five) and the fields to be filled in during the application process will be cut down significantly (from 48 to 30). This will bring greater convenience to customers, saving their time spent in applying for the loans on HF’s official website and through its mobile application.


“This improvement in our housing finance service is in line with the ‘Government 3.0’ policy aimed to provide demand-oriented services tailored to citizens’ needs,” said one HF official. “We will continue to incorporate what customers need immediately to bring them greater convenience and satisfaction with our services.”


The new and improved housing finance service is available on HF’s official website (www.hf.go.kr). Smartphone users can download and use the app “Smart Housing Finance” from the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, and etc..