
News Releases

KHFC Launches Home Renovation Project

  • Date 2012-04-16
  • Views 969


KHFC Launches Home Renovation Project


-HF signs agreement for "HF Love Home" project with Citizens for Decent Housing


-HF to spend KRW 350 million to renovate 110 houses this year


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Seo Jong-dae) announced on April 16 that it signed an agreement with Citizens for Decent Housing for a project named "HF Love Home".


The project, which is scheduled to continue until November, is designed to improve the housing conditions for low-income families including senior citizens living alone, child-headed households, and families with disabled members. The entire HF staff will take turns participating in volunteer work to renovate homes and will carry out remodeling work on the floors, the wallpaper,and the heating systems, which would cost around KRW 3 million per home.


"We will make HF Love Home the centerpiece of our social contribution activity since the project is very much related to what we do. As a public enterprise, we will set an example by helping neighbors in need live in better housing conditions," said President Seo at the signing ceremony.


Low-income families including senior citizens living alone and child-headed households are the main beneficiary of this project. Those who want to apply can fill out the application form and write their stories on HF’s website. HF will select around 50 households from its 16 branches and an additional 60 or so households on the basis of recommendations by Citizens for Decent Housing and local governments. A total of 110 households will thus benefit from the project.