
News Releases

HF embarks on the “Senior Citizen Center Support” project

  • Date 2013-10-29
  • Views 742



HF embarks on the “Senior Citizen Center Support” project


- HF officialsoffer massages and other volunteer activities for senior citizens -


On October 29th, the Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Seo Jong-dae) announced that it would work together with the non-profit organization Sharing and Future on the “Senior Citizen Center Support” project. With the goal of renovating antiquated facilities at senior citizen centers in Seoul, the project also offers massages and other various volunteer activities for elderly members of those centers. The project will last until the end of this year.


The project consists of: (a) renovation/maintenance work such as replacing wallpapers and flooring and repairing bathrooms; and (b) haircutting, hand acupuncture, moxa cautery, massaging, cleaning, and other volunteer activities for the members of senior citizen centers offered jointly by hand acupuncturists, volunteers and HF officials.


“We will improve the facilities at these senior citizen centers so their elderly community can have a more pleasant and relaxing time there,” said HF CEO Seo Jong-dae. “We will also be their companions to talk to and massage their shoulders, helping them feel truly loved.”