
News Releases

KHFC Hires 50 New Employees

  • Date 2013-03-27
  • Views 794


“ KHFC Hires 50 New Employees ”


- Promotes social equality in employment by hiring high school graduates, the disabled, persons of national merit,

and talents from provincial areas-


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) announced that applications for new employees will be received starting March 27. It will hire 50 employees this time, a 30 percent increase compared to last year. To promote social equality in employment, KHFC will extend preferences to high school graduates, the disabled, and talents from provincial areas.


KHFC plans to hire at least 30 percent of the new hires from outside the capital regions (Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province) and to hire about 10 high school graduates (hired five in 2012). At least 20 percent of the new hires will be disabled persons or persons of national merit. These new hires may be made regular employees if they perform well in their internships.


Application forms need to be submitted via the KHFC website from March 27 through April 17. KHFC will announce accepted applicants in early June after completing the screening process, which includes document screening, a written test (exempted for high school graduates), and an interview.


See details at the KHFC website (www.hf.go.kr).