
News Releases

KHFC brings better home environment to 130 low-income families this year

  • Date 2012-12-11
  • Views 1,050


KHFC brings better home environment to 130 low-income families this year


 -  “2012 KHFC Love House” project successfully completed  -


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) announced on December 11 that it has completed the “2012 KHFC Love House” project and delivered an appreciation plaque to the Citizens for Decent Housing as its organizer.


The project aims to improve the inferior residential environment (e.g. wallpaper, flooring, bathroom and heating facilities) facing senior citizens living alone, grandparent-grandchild households, families with disabilities and other financially distressed households. Under the project, a total of 130 households nationwide—18% above the original target of 110—saw their living environment improved during nine months from April 2012. All members of KHFC volunteered in these home improvement activities on 39 separate occasions.


“The KHFC Love House project has firmly established itself as our representative corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative that is closely linked to our own operations,” said KHFC President Seo Jongdae at the plaque-awarding ceremony. “We will further expand the project next year to provide better living environment for our less fortunate neighbors.”