
News Releases

521 new pensioners join Housing Pension in November 2012

  • Date 2012-12-06
  • Views 1,014


521 new pensioners join Housing Pension in November 2012


-  83.5% growth year-on-year  -


The Housing Pension, which provides homeowners with pension benefits throughout their lives, welcomed 521 new pensioners (689.5 billion Korean won in credit guarantees offered) in the month of November.


The Korea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC) announced on December 6 that the number of new subscriptions and the amount of credit guarantees in November 2012 increased by 83.5% and 78.3%, respectively, from the same period in the previous year (284 new subscriptions and 386.6 billion Korean won guaranteed). The figures also represent 10.4% and 14.7% increases, respectively, from last October (472 new subscriptions and 601.3 billion Korean won guaranteed).


“The increased number of consultations after the Korean thanksgiving holidays translated into new subscriptions in November,” stated one KHFC official. “As the number of consultations remains high this month, it seems new subscriptions will also increase in December.”