
News Releases

HF Signs a Research Agreement for More Rental Housing Supply

  • Date 2016-04-01
  • Views 543
- HF and SH Corporation undertake joint research on housing and housing finance markets

□ Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) announced on the 1st that it will conduct joint

    research with Seoul Housing Corporation (SH Corporation, CEO Byeon Chang-Heum) to ensure the stable

    expansion of public rental housing.

□ HF and SH Corporation signed the Partnership Agreement for Joint Research on Housing and Housing

   Finance Markets on that day to build a partnership on the study of the nation's housing and housing finance

   markets<See the image below>.

□ The topic of their joint research project is the 'possibility of the expansion of public rental housing using

    Rental-Backed Securities (RBS)*, and the research findings will be directly used in hte formation of public

    rental housing policy.

  * Rental-Backed Securities are a financial instrument to create a secured loan backed by monthly rental

    payments and rental housing units.

□ An HF official remarked, “As one of our Government 3.0 tasks, this agreement represents our effort to

    improve public service through collaboration with another public corporation. This joint project will be able 

    to contribute to stable and secure housing in the nation by utilizing SH Corporation's expertise in public 

    rental housing and our knowhow on housing and housing finance.”

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HF CEO Kim Jae-Chun (right) and SH Corporation CEO Byeon Chang-Heum reached a partnership agreement for joint research on housing and housing finance markets at the HF Seoul Metropolitan Headquarters located in Sejongdae-ro, Seoul, on the 1st.