
News Releases

Home loan details now available online

  • Date 2016-01-28
  • Views 593
- HF offers online tool ‘Ansim JuMoney’ to help users estimate home loan options -
□ Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) announced on January 28, 2016, that from 
    February 1, 2016, it will provide a more easy-to-access mortgage counseling service using its mortgage
    application tool named ‘Ansim JuMoney’* in a bid to help potential borrowers better understand the
    requirements that they have to meet to get a home loan under the ‘Guidelines on the Assessment of Loan
  * HF launched a smartphone application on October 26, 2015, to provide the general public with easy access to
    useful home loan information and help them choose the right repayment schedule so that they can start
    paying back their loan with no delay.
< Overview of the Guidelines on the Advanced Assessment of Loan Eligibility >
□ Based on its two principles of‘take a loan within financial limits’and‘start repayments early in the life
    of the mortgage,’the「Guidelines on the Advanced Assessment of Loan Eligibility」will take effect from
    February 1, 2016, initially in the Seoul metropolitan area (in other regions from May 2, 2016).
➊ A stricter assessment of borrowers' ability to repay their mortgages through verification of their
    taxable income
➋ For large loans with a high debt ratio, such as housing loans, borrowers required to start repayment
   early on
➌ For floating-rate loans, the maximum loan amount to be determined in consideration of possible rate
    increases in the future
➍ Lenders required to establish a loan management system by comprehensively testing borrowers'
    repayment burden
 ※ These rules are not applicable to non-regular loans such as group loans, quick loans, government-
    sponsored quick loans for low-income families, etc.
□ In its Ansim JuMoney application, HF has added a loan eligibility self-check function. This function leads
    potential borrowers to answer a series of questions to determine their eligibility, helping reduce any confusion
    and inconvenience caused by the introduction of the new guidelines.
□ An HF official said, “As soon as our customers download our 'Ansim JuMoney' application, they can have 
    instant access to this 'self-check' function. The application also offers interest rate discount coupons, allowing
    'Ansim JuMoney' users to enjoy a discount on interest rates on their long-term, fixed-rate Bogeumjari
    mortgage loan.”