
News Releases

HF Holds the 3rd Undergraduate (Graduate) Student Research Paper Competition on Housing Finance

  • Date 2016-05-27
  • Views 573
- As part of its Government 3.0 initiatives, HF seeks ideas for the advancement of housing finance through

  collaboration with the private sector

□ Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) stated on the 27th that it will hold the ‘3rd 

   Undergraduate (Graduate) Student Research Paper Competition on Housing Finance‘ to seek creative ideas

   that relate to its housing finance business.

□ This competition is open to any four-year college (or graduate school) students, individuals or groups of no

    more than three students.

□ Application forms can be downloaded from the HF website (www.hf.go.kr) and submitted via mail or email  

   ((hfresearch@hf.go.kr) from May 27 to July 29, 2016. All research papers must be submitted by August 19,


□ Among research papers submitted, HF will select five papers for ▲ one Grand Prize winner (a prize of KRW

   5 millions), ▲ two Excellence Award winners (a prize of KRW 2 million each), and ▲two Participation Award 

   winners (a prize of KRW 500,000 each). The winners of this competition will get preferential treatment if they 

   apply for a position in HF.

□ For more information, please visit the HF website or contact the Housing Finance Research Center (+82 51

    663 8153).

□ An HF official said, “We holds this competition as part of our Government 3.0 tasks to improve our services

    to the public through collaboration with the private sector. We hope that this will serve as a good

    opportunity to improve the understanding of housing finance among college (graduate school) students and

    explore their innovative ideas.“