
News Releases

“HF set to deliver first-class housing finance services”

  • Date 2016-03-02
  • Views 566
HF celebrates its 12th anniversary with a greater focus on 'expertise and public interest' -

□ Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF) CEO Kim Jae-Chun held the 12th anniversary celebration of the   
    corporation at its headquarters in the Busan International Finance Center in Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Busan,
    on March 2, 2016, and stated in his speech, "We will build trust with the people, government, and local
    communities by providing first-class housing finance services.”<see the image below>

□ While mentioning the need to effectively address the rapidly changing business environment, CEO Kim said,
    “Every one of us should become a top expert in our own area. I ask you not to worry about failure. Just try to
    constantly come up with creative ideas and put them into action to raise the standing of our corporation.”
    Stressing HF's public interest obligations as a state-run corporation, he added, “Keeping in mind that our
    corporation belongs to the people, we should incorporate a customer-centered approach into our daily
    practices and actively respond to the government's policy directions.”He went on to say, “Let's create a
    pleasant work environment by improving internal communication and building trust.”

<Image Description>
   On March 2, 2016, HF held its 12th anniversary celebration at its headquarters in the Busan International Finance Center in Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Busan. HF CEO Kim Jae-Chun stressed a greater focus on expertise and public interest in his speech.