
News Releases

HF signs an agreement with APTzib on reporting of public information

  • Date 2016-11-25
  • Views 561

- Establishment of a cooperative system to explore high-demand and high-value public information

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) and APTzib (CEO Cho Hyeon-Kook) announced on the 25th that they signed an agreement on reporting public information and active utilization of the information by the private sector.


The two institutions plan to (i) cooperate with each other to explore and disclose high-demand and high-value public information and support the public with utilization of the information; and (ii) step up support for housing finance services for the working and middle classes by information sharing to improve housing finance schemes.


The two institutions will cooperate in publicly reporting statistical data on lease expires for residences in specific regions, which should help lessees find homes to rent.


An HF official said, "HF will provide full support with any institutions that need public information owned by HF. We will make efforts to strengthen our housing finance services through active utilization of public information and help realize transparent government, which is one of the initiatives of Government 3.0."