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HF Holds a Ceremony to Celebrate JTYK's 10th Anniversary

  • Date 2017-09-08
  • Views 892

HF Holds a Ceremony to Celebrate JTYK's 10th Anniversary

- HF offers lunch and performances for seniors living alone

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) stated on the 8th that it held a ceremony to celebrate the 10th anniversary of JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK)* with JTYK subscribers who live alone <See the image below>.
    * JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK) is a state-guaranteed reverse mortgage loan in which senior citizens 60 years of age or older provide their owned home as collateral and receive living expenses for their post-retirement life in the form of monthly pension benefits either for the rest of their life or for a certain period of time.

The ceremony was attended by around 100 people, including those in their 60s and 70s who have subscribed to the JTYK reverse mortgage program between July 2016 and June 2017 and are currently living alone in the Seoul metropolitan area; the winners of the JTYK essay contest; and an honorary JTYK ambassador. HF offered lunch and performances during the ceremony.

HF CEO Kim Jae-Chun said, “As JTYK subscription increases rapidly, we are likely to have our 50,000th subscribers within this year. I am thankful for the seniors who have chosen our JTYK program and will make sure that JTYK will serve as a reliable retirement option for your retirement years.”

Launched in July 2007, JTYK marks its 10th anniversary this year. The total number of its subscribers surpassed 40,000 this January, and the number rose to 45,959 as of July 2017.