
News Releases

HF Appoints a Private-Sector Specialist to Head Its Housing Finance Research Institute

  • Date 2018-05-21
  • Views 3,342

HF Appoints a Private-Sector Specialist to Head Its Housing Finance Research Institute

- Former SERI Advisor Hwang In-Sung selected for the position through open competition

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on May 21, 2018, that it appointed Hwang In-Sung, a former advisor to Samsung Economic Research Institute (SERI) as General manager of its Housing Finance Research Institute. HF opened the position to competition from this April.

General manager Hwang majored in economics at Sogang University before earning a master's degree in economics at Washington State University and a doctorate degree in the same subject area at North Carolina State University. He worked at SERI for 23 years, and during that time, he held key posts, including Research Associate in the Department of Macroeconomics and Head of the Department of Global Research, accumulating specialized knowledge in finance and economics.

An HF official said, “It is the first time in history to appoint a private-sector specialist to head the Housing Finance Research Institute. We expect that the Institute with General manager Hwang at the helm will play a more important role in analyzing financial markets, building management strategies, and carrying out international cooperation and exchange activities.”