
News Releases

HF Offers Discounted Guarantee Fees for Low-Income and Vulnerable Groups

  • Date 2017-10-30
  • Views 1,110

HF Offers Discounted Guarantee Fees for Low-Income and Vulnerable Groups

- Guarantee fees discounted for single-parent and grandparent-headed families
- The discount also available to collective loans taken out by new apartment buyers

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Kim Jae-Chun) said on October 30, 2017, that it has expanded its discount for guarantee fees to ease the financial burden on low-income and vulnerable groups. It added that the discount will also cover collective mortgage loans.

With the expansion of the discount, single-parent and grandparent-headed households will be entitled to a 0.1% guarantee fee discount when they purchase personal guarantee products. The 0.1% discount will also apply to new apartment buyers taking out a collective mortgage loan.

The discount is available for these newly covered households when they submit documentation* that establishes their eligibility to the applicable financial institution.  
 * The certificate of a single-parent family for single-parent and grandparent-headed households eligible pursuant to the Single-Parent Family Support Act

Personal guarantee applications can be made to 16 financial institutions, and the discount will apply to applications made on and after October 30, 2017.