
News Releases

HF Supports the Prevention of Sexual Harrassment and Violence

  • Date 2018-04-16
  • Views 2,857

HF Supports the Prevention of Sexual Harrassment and Violence

- HF reaches MOU with Busan Counseling Center Against Sexual Violence to foster a culture of gender equality

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) said on April 16, 2018, that it donated KRW seven million for the prevention of sexual harrassment and violence in Busan. The donation was the monetary award HF received for winning the President's Prize in the area of anti-corruption at the 6th Civil Rights' Day ceremony held this February by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission. The donation was made to Busan Counseling Center Against Sexual Violence (Director Lee Jae-Hee).

The donation has also led HF to form a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Busan Counseling Center Against Sexual Violence to cultivate a culture of gender equality, pledging to support on-going sexual harrassment and violence prevention efforts and to foster gender equality within its organization. 

Particularly, the MOU covers ▲ education to prevent sexual harrassment and violence, ▲ an assistance program for victims, and ▲ education to foster gender equality within the HF organization.

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “Since we received the prize money for our anti-corruption efforts, it is meaningful to use it to support the fight against the deep-rooted unfair practices of our society. With the growing public concern about sexual misconduct amid the #MeToo movement, we hope that our efforts to spread the culture of gender equality can contribute to rooting out such misconduct in the workplace.”

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On April 16, 2018, HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan (left) posed for pictures with Director Lee Jae-Hee of Busan Counseling Center Against Sexual Violence at the Center after reaching an MOU for the Cultivation of an Organizational Culture of Gender Equality.