
News Releases

HF Hires 35 New Employees for '18 H1

  • Date 2018-04-20
  • Views 2,914

HF Hires 35 New Employees for '18 H1

- Greater fairness and transparency with blind hiring and no document screening

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) said on April 20, 2018, that it will hire 35 new employees for the first half of the year.

More specifically, it will open ▲ 27 general positions (including 23 administrative and four information systems positions) and ▲ eight special positions (available to people with disabilities and veterans and their families). It will set aside over 35% of the new positions for those who are not from the Seoul metropolitan area and over 18% of them for those from the Busan metropolitan area.

HF will receive applications through May 8, 2018, on its homepage, and the finalists selected through two written tests and an interview will begin working at HF at the end of June. 

In order to evaluate applications based mainly on competency, HF  has eliminated document screening and adopted a 'blind recruitment' system which removes background information fields in its application form, such as photo, gender, date of birth, and academic background, thus promoting fairness in its recruitment process.  

An HF official said, “We are going to recruit talents most suitable to our firm through the competency-based blind hiring system. We will also improve our recruitment process to strengthen its assessment function, fairness, and transparency.”

HF is going to hold campus recruiting events at two Busan-based universities and two Seoul-based universities. These universities are  Busan National University, Pukyong National University, Yonsei University, and Sungkyunkwan University.