
News Releases

HF Recruits More Employees from Busan Than Last Year

  • Date 2018-03-19
  • Views 2,526

HF Recruits More Employees from Busan Than Last Year

- In this year's recruitment, HF has raised its quota of Busan-based employees by 3%p from the year earlier
- HF is going to open its west Busan branch this July to better suit the needs of customers in that area
- HF expands its social contribution and scholarship programs tailored to the Busan area
- HF encourages its employees to continue their studies at universities in the Busan area

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced that it will recruit over 18% of its new hires from Busan this year and encourage its employees to continue their studies at universities in the Busan area. In order to strengthen its housing finance services in the west Busan area, it is going to open its west Busan branch in July. In addition, it will support senior citizens in the local community to find work even during times when their public works projects are closed. It will expand its scholarship program for children and young people from vulnerable groups.  
HF will hire one of its five new employees from Busan

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan stated on March 19, 2018, "This year, we will hire over 18% of our new employees from Busan. We will continue to recruit more Busan employees to the extent permitted by our HR policy as part of our efforts to grow with Busan, the city where we are headquartered, and help vitalize its economy."
HF has adopted its local recruitment quota (up to 30% by 2022). Last year, it hired over 15% of its new employees from Busan.

HF opens its second Busan branch in July

HF revealed that it will open its west Busan branch near Sasang Station in July to provide better housing finance services to local residents. HF CEO Lee said, "There has been only one HF branch in Busan, our location in Munhyeon-dong in Nam-gu, giving customers from other Busan districts difficulty accessing our JTYK and Bogeumjari Loan services. So we will open a new sales branch near Sasang Station in July to provide west Busan customers easier access to our services."

The new west Busan branch is going to serve citizens of the five west Busan districts (Gangseo-gu, Buk-gu, Seo-gu, Sasang-gu, and Saha-gu) and Yangsan citizens, who rely on Busan for their day-to-day services. They will have convenient access to Bogeumjari Loans, JTYK reverse mortgage loans, Jeonse guarantees, and other housing finance services. With the new branch, HF is going to have a wide sales network of 21 branches across the nation.

HF expands its social contribution programs tailored to the Busan area

HF is planning to expand social contribution programs customized to the needs of the Busan area for its further development. More specifically, it will expand its scholarship program for children and young people from vulnerable groups in the area and continue to run an employment program for senior citizens in Busan.

HF CEO Lee said, "We offered the HF Continued Employment Project to provide seniors with job opportunities last January to February when their public works programs were closed. Considering the elderly with working capacity have a great need for jobs, we will increase our support to create public works opportunities for seniors in the fields of cleaning, cultural property caretaking, and road safety services."

HF will also scale up its youth scholarship program to help children from socially vulnerable groups continue their studies in partnership with the Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education. In addition, it will offer more recruitment tours and 'JaeMitJiYe (a housing finance literacy program)' sessions to universities in Busan for college students and young jobseekers in Busan. 

HF will also offer retirees and the elderly the HF Retirement Finance Literacy Concert (tentatively named) in Busan twice this year in partnership with private retirement research institutes and financial institutions. The program aims to provide tips on post-retirement financial planning, trends in the housing and financial markets, and cultural performances.

HF encourages its well-performing staff to continue their studies at universities in Busan

HF is going to have discussions with major universities in the Busan area to attract more universities and departments to help young people land a job first and enroll in a university later. It will also encourage its staff to enroll in a university based in Busan.

HF CEO Lee said, "We will actively encourage our staff who joined HF after their high school graduation to pursue their college studies at universities in Busan. To offer more college options to our staff, I will consult with universities in Busan and its surrounding areas to join our efforts." CEO Lee added, "This will help improve our talent loss to other regions and contribute to local economic development."

HF embraces future technologies in its housing finance products
HF is set to actively respond to rapid changes in trends in the financial markets by adopting future technologies, such as fintech and blockchain technology.

HF CEO Lee said, "We will actively push for improved financial services by providing preferential guarantee services for homes built with new technologies to address social, economic, and environmental changes and developing and distributing a digital application that provides easier access to our products as part of our digital transformation efforts." 

Regarding this, HF signed an MOU with KakaoBank last January to offer improved financial services by actively utilizing fintech and developing more customer-friendly financial products.