
News Releases

HF Holds 'Seniors' Gathering for a Happy 100-Year Life'

  • Date 2018-05-25
  • Views 3,583

HF Holds 'Seniors' Gathering for a Happy 100-Year Life'

- Celebrating the national family month of May, HF hosts a gathering for the elderly

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on May 25, 2018, that in celebration of the national family month of May, it hosted an event for senior citizens. The event, entitled 'Seniors' Gathering for a Happy 100-Year Life,' was held at the Eastern District Office of Busan Metropolitan City located in Sujeong-dong, Busan.  

During the event, HF introduced JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK)*, its reverse mortgage product launched for financially stable retirement, and 15 senior performance teams from senior colleges in Busan staged various performances. HF invited around 450 senior citizens living in Busan, including those attending senior colleges, JTYK subscribers, and HF honorary ambassadors. 
 * JooTaekYeonKeum (JTYK) is a state-guaranteed reverse mortgage loan in which senior citizens 60 years of age or older provide their owned home as collateral and receive living expenses for their post-retirement life in the form of monthly pension benefits either for the rest of their life or for a certain period of time. It was launched in July 2007.

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “As May marks national family month, we held this event based on our wishes that seniors can enjoy a long life full of happiness. We will make proactive efforts to carry out social contribution activities to meet the needs of our local community and promote our JTYK program, helping senior citizens enjoy a happy retirement and offering them greater welfare services.”

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HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan (fifth from left) and Korea Federation of Senior Welfare Centers President Byeon Chang-Nam (sixth from left) posed for a photo before the ‘Seniors' Gathering for a Happy 100-Year Life' held at the Eastern District Office of Busan Metropolitan City on the 25th.