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Public Agencies Should Lead Efforts to Realize Social Values

  • Date 2018-03-02
  • Views 2,344

Public Agencies Should Lead Efforts to Realize Social Values through Social Enterprise Cultivation and Local Economy Stimulation

- HF holds a seminar in celebration of its 14th anniversary
- HF is committed to expanding its services for the public's livelihoods and leading innovation
- HF holds a ceremony to strike the petitioner's drum, renewing its anti-corruption will

An opinion was raised that public agencies should work to realize greater social values, such as social enterprise cultivation and local economy stimulation. 

Celebrating its 14th anniversary, Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) held a seminar on March 2, 2018. The seminar was held under the title of 'HF's Role in Realizing Social Values' at Nurimaru APEC House in Busan.

Professor Oh Chul-Ho of Soongsil University said during his presentation entitled 'Social Value Realization and HF's Direction for Innovation,' "HF should realign its core values to social values in line with the government's innovation direction and be more active in realizing social values such as local economy stimulation."

Professor Oh stressed, "It is desirable for public agencies to innovate their services continuously in response to rapid social changes by proactively exploring social issues and needs and offering solutions and expanding their services to meet the public's day-to-day demands."

At the discussion session presided over by Professor Kim Gi-Seung of Busan National University, Research Fellow Han Seung-Wook of Busan Development Institute, Director General of the Research Institute for Social Enterprises Shin Gyung-Chul, Research Fellow Im Byung-Gwon of the Housing Finance Research Institute, and other experts shared various opinions on HF's role in social value realization and shared growth with the local economy.  

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, "Amid strong interest in and high expectations for the role of the public sector, we will actively embrace the expert opinions offered at today's seminar to reestablish our public characteristics and core values and renew ourselves into an innovative public agency that advances housing stability for the public and contributes to the development of the local community."

In its ceremony to commemorate its 14th anniversary, HF unveiled its new visions: to become 'The best housing finance institution that grows alongside the happiness of the people' and 'Institution that improves the quality of life by enhancing the housing welfare of people.'

Having won the President's Prize, which is the highest award in the public-sector anti-corruption field, on February 27, 2018, HF had a ceremony to strike the petitioner's drum that it received as a prize, renewing its will to fight corruption.

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On the 2nd, HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan (third from the left) unveiled the petitioner's drum, which HF received along with the President's Prize, the highest award in the anti-corruption field, at Nurimaru APEC House in Busan.