
News Releases

HF Selected as the Best Anti-Corruption Agency

  • Date 2018-02-14
  • Views 2,657

HF Selected as the Best Anti-Corruption Agency

- HF rated at the top by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission's public-sector anti-corruption program evaluation

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) said on February 14, 2018, that it has been rated the best-performing (top-tier) agency by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission's 2017 public-sector anti-corruption program evaluation*.
   * The public-sector anti-corruption program evaluation is an annual evaluation conducted by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission on public service organizations, central government agencies, local autonomous governments, offices of education, and other public-sector entities. The 2017 evaluation covers 256 public-sector organizations and agencies.  

The Commission rated HF high for having carried out its anti-corruption efforts with particular focus on the following matters: ▲ systematically implementing ethics-centered management and anti-corruption plans, ▲ introducing its anti-corruption and integrity policies, ▲ making efforts to build a culture of integrity, ▲ strengthening its preventive measures against corruption, ▲ developing best practices in improving areas of weakness related to corruption based on its unique expertise, and ▲ institutionalizing employee engagement in its ethics policy implementation.

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “This is the result of the proactive efforts all of our employees have made to monitor how the anti-corruption and integrity policies are being implemented around the clock and improve the existing anti-corruption systems. HF will continue to fulfill its role as a leading anti-corruption agency in the public sector.”

With this year's rating, HF has been named the best-performing agency in the field in terms of integrity and anti-corruption programs for the eighth consecutive year since 2010.