
News Releases

HF Delivers Funds to Boost the Social Economy

  • Date 2018-12-17
  • Views 9,968
HF Delivers Funds to Boost the Social Economy

- HF supports Busan-based social enterprises, contributing to the development of the local community

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on December 17, 2018, that it held a ceremony to deliver ‘Social Economy Promotion Funds’ to Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency, Busan Social Economy Network, and the Research Institute for Social Enterprise.  

The funds aim to support 14 enterprises selected for ▲ the Social Enterprises’ Idea Competition for the Improvement of Residential Welfare and the Local Community developed to help social enterprises turn their excellent ideas into businesses and ▲ the HF Social Value Compensation Project designed to select social enterprises by quantitatively assessing the social value that they have generated and support them.

The 14 social enterprises include ▲ World Painted by the Wall Painters, a volunteer enterprise that provides arts-based urban regeneration services; ▲ the Union of Environment and Culture, an arts sharing platform enterprise; ▲ Clean Care, an enterprise that provides neighborhood environment improvement services for socially underserved districts; and other social enterprises that have led the creation of social values in a range of fields.

HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “We’ve come to select and support these outstanding social enterprises after thorough screening and on-site examination. We expect that the efforts we have made to boost the social economy will contribute to developing the local community and creating jobs.”

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HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan (rear row, second from left) poses for a photo with officers from the social enterprises that received the Social Economy Promotion Funds after delivering the funds at HF headquarters in Busan International Finance Center on the 17th.