
News Releases

HF Honors Its Outstanding Mortgage Securitization Partners

  • Date 2019-12-20
  • Views 386

HF Honors Its Outstanding Mortgage Securitization Partners

It awards its business partners for excellent performance in the areas of overseas covered bond issuance arrangement, asset soundness management, etc.

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) said on the 20th that it held the 2019 HF Leading Mortgage Securitization Partners Awards ceremony. 

HF has created the Awards to extend appreciation to its mortgage securitization partners for their outstanding contribution in securing funding for Bogeumjari Loans and other state-sponsored mortgage loans and managing bonds and, at the same time, to ask for their continued cooperation.

HF selected candidates for this year’s awards according to the following criteria: ▲contribution to HF’s securitization issuance, service performance, and cooperativeness, ▲delinquency and other asset soundness management, and ▲support for disadvantaged groups, including deferral of principal payments and debt settlement. 

The winners were: ▲DBS Bank in the category of excellent overseas covered bond issuance arrangement; ▲Accounting Firm Daejoo and Accounting Firm Jinil in the category of excellent due diligence service; ▲National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and United Overseas Bank in the category of notable contribution in MBS investment; and ▲Woori Bank, IBK Bank, KB Kookmin Bank, KEB Hana Bank, and Standard Chartered Bank Korea* in the category of excellent bond management. HF presented these 10 winners with a certificate of appreciation and a monetary award. 

   * Listed in the Korean alphabetical order 

An HF officer said, “We have been able to put the government’s household debt restructuring policies into action thanks to these institutions’ securitization issuance, due diligence, and post-issuance management services. We will continue to deliver a long-term, stable supply of housing finance and promote housing welfare for the general public through close cooperation with these institutions.”