
News Releases

Use Caution Not to Fall for Scam Calls Relating to Inclusive Relief Loans

  • Date 2019-09-19
  • Views 12,970

Use Caution Not to Fall for Scam Calls Relating to Inclusive Relief Loans

- Any calls or SMS messages recommending the new loan are phishing scams

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) issued a warning against phishing scam calls on September 19, 2019. According to HF, any calls or SMS messages from people claiming to be from HF or recommending the HF Inclusive Relief Loan* are fraudulent.

  * Inclusive Relief Loan : A government-guaranteed loan offered by HF to those on a floating- or semi-fixed rate home loans to reduce their interest burden  

Applications for the new HF loan can be submitted only by visiting ▲ any of the branch offices of 14 commercial nationwide or local banks*, ▲ the HF homepage, ▲ the Smart Housing Finance App, or ▲ loan salespersons registered with Korea Federation of Banks and HF**.

  * KB Bank, IBK, NH Bank, Suhyup Bank, Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, KEB Hana Bank, SC Bank Korea, Kyongnam Bank, Kwangju Bank, Daegu Bank, Busan Bank, Jeonbuk Bank, and Jeju Bank 

 ** When submitting an application through a loan salesperson, the salesperson’s code must be entered on the HF homepage.

An HF officer said, “HF does not place calls to recommend loans or ask for personal information, advance payments, or account passbook (or card) numbers. If you have fallen victim to phishing calls or financial scams or have been involved in such suspicious activities, please call 112 (National Policy Agency’s emergency hotline) or 1332 (Financial Supervisory Service’s hotline) with no area code.”