
News Releases

HF Builds a Cooperative System for Public Records Management

  • Date 2023-06-21
  • Views 209

HF Builds a Cooperative System for Public Records Management

- It has created a public records management council together with public institutions headquartered in Munhyeon Finance Complex, Busan

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Choi Joon-Woo) stated on June 21, 2023, that it has created the Busan Munhyeon Finance Complex Records Management Council with other public institutions based in the Complex and aims to advance mutual cooperation and exchange in order to spread the culture of transparency in public records* management <see image below>.

 * Any type of recorded information materials, including documents, books, audiovisual content, etc., that are created or received by public institutions as part of their public service

The Council, made up of five public institutions*, will meet every quarter. Specialists in records management from each institution will join to share their institution’s accomplishments in ▲ vital records management, ▲ records classification enhancements, and ▲ records management system operations and explore strategies to manage and leverage records related to regional development.

 * Korea Housing Finance Corporation, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, Korea Housing & Urban Guarantee Corporation, Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd., and Korea Asset Management Corporation

An HF official stated, “We've set up a platform for communication to explore open public records management strategies. Our commitment lies in working toward earning the people's trust as an accountable public institution that operates transparently based on records.”

In the meantime, HF remains at the forefront of the secure and organized handling of public records through its April’s New Records Management System Construction Project, a company-wide electronic vital records management system – a first for any public institution.


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On the 21st, HF held a ceremony to launch the Munhyeon Finance Complex Records Management Council at the International Finance Center in Nam-gu, Busan. Officers from the member institutions of the Council, HF, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, Korea Housing & Urban Guarantee Corporation, Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd., and Korea Asset Management Corporation, posed for a photo after the launching ceremony.