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HF Honored as Exemplary Case of Gender-Equal Employment Practices

  • Date 2019-05-28
  • Views 10,786

HF Honored as Exemplary Case of  Gender-Equal Employment Practices

- HF receives the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award for its efforts to achieve gender equity and work-life balance at the workplace

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) stated on May 28, 2019, that it won the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award for its exemplary Affirmative Action (AA)* practices at the 2019 Gender-Equal Employment Promotion Week ceremony held by the ministry.  

  * Affirmative Action (AA): All measures and related procedures that the central and local governments and employers take during the hiring process to eliminate discrimination and promote employment equity       

The Ministry of Employment and Labor selects and honors companies with outstanding practices in gender-equal employment and proactive AA measures each year. The awards are among its efforts to encourage businesses to create an employment environment where men and women can work on an equal footing and to help raise awareness on gender-equal employment across society.

In this year’s selection process, HF was highly recognized for its efforts to build a culture of work-life balance and gender equality by ▲ hiring an equal mix of men and women, ▲ increasing the share of female staff in managerial positions, and ▲ introducing its two-hour daily rest and family-care leave programs.


HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan said, “We are pleased to be honored for our efforts to create an overarching gender-equal culture through our HR functions ranging from recruitment, promotion, education and training, and service management. We will continue our work to firmly establish a culture of gender equality, improve maternity protection, and spread a culture of work-life balance in the public sector down the road.

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HF received the Minister of Employment and Labor’s Award at the 2019 Gender-Equal Employment Promotion Week ceremony held at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the 7th. HF CEO Lee Jung-Hwan (left) and Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jae-Gap (right) pose for a photo after the award ceremony.