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HF Hosts the 2019 AFIS Conference and ASMMA General Assembly

  • Date 2019-08-28
  • Views 13,073

HF Hosts the 2019 AFIS Conference and ASMMA General Assembly

- HF will host international conferences for two days from Sept. 3 to advance housing finance in Asia 

HF is set to host international conferences in Busan, a major international financial hub, to advance Asia’s bond market and housing finance market. 

Korea Housing Finance Corporation (HF, CEO Lee Jung-Hwan) announced on August 28, 2019, that it will host the 2019 ASEAN Fixed Income Summit (AFIS) and the 2019 General Assembly of the Asian Secondary Mortgage Market Association (ASMMA) at Lotte Hotel Busan and Nurimaru APEC House, respectively, for two days from September 3-4. As the host of the two international events, HF seeks to foster a network of regional housing finance institutions. 

   * AFIS : Asian Fixed Income Summit 

  ** ASMMA : Asian Secondary Mortgage Market Association 

The 2019 AFIS Conference and ASMMA General Assembly mark the sixth gathering of the two events. They are expected to draw some 150 participants from the Financial Services Commission, Busan Metropolitan Government, other central and local governments, ASMMA member institutions, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, other international financial organizations, global financial institutions, and news agencies. 

The 2019 AFIS Conference will be held at Lotte Hotel Busan on September 3 under the title “The New Era of Mortgage Finance.” The Conference is expected to provide an open forum of discussion on key housing finance issues, including ▲ ESG bonds*, ▲ long-term bonds and securitization markets, ▲ presentations on reverse mortgages by industry experts and leading scholars and floor discussions. The 2019 ASMMA General Assembly is to be held at Nurimaru APEC House on the following day. At the General Assembly, 12 Asian housing finance institutions will discuss pressing issues and seek future cooperative measures to advance the regional housing finance market. After the discussion, they will select next year’s host institution. 

  * ESG bonds: Bonds that contribute to social value creation from the environmental, social, and governance perspectives   

An HF officer said, “These international conferences will provide a platform to share the key issues and cases of the American, European, and other overseas housing finance systems and seek measures to advance the Asian housing finance market. As we are hosting these international forums of global experts, we can contribute to raising Busan’s status as an international financial hub in the global finance community.”